DIY wash powder

In our household we have a never ending topic: ecological detergents.

Especially homemade, natural laundry detergents….
My dear hubby assumes that homemade detergents can’t really be any good.

Some time ago I posted a zero-waste recipe. It requires some boiling, mixing, waiting, mixing etc. etc. etc.
In other words: it can be a hastle to make.

I’ve got to know a much quicker and simpler recipe – it’s out of the book “Fünf Hausmittel ersetzen eine Drogerie”.

It’s a powder; no need for cooking, mixing, waiting, cooling, mixing….. and the whole hullabaloo…

Important is, that all ingredients are finely ground – the finer the better.

100 g soap (you can find this in my store – completely palm oil-free)
100 g dishwasher salt (this is the important softener)
150 g soda (sodium carbonate – available in my store)
150 g baking soda (sodium bi-carbonate – available in my store)

All these ingredients are finely ground (I do it in a mixer)
And then simply mixed together.

And there is your washpowder !
It’s more suitable for white laundry – as the soda has a slightly bleaching effect.
If you want to add a fragrance, you can add 5 to 10 grams of orange or lemon essential oil to the fabric softener compartment for each wash.
