– foam
– fragrance
– gliding-effect
– care for irritated skin
And ?
When I watch my hubby shave himself, he doesn’t seem to miss his shaving creams or shaving foams.
I am delighted because in the past he had made rather scathing remarks about the various development stages of my shaving soaps.
The big question is: why should you change to my shaving soap ?
First of all, it’s an alkaline product (about 9 on the pH scala).
This has the effect that the beard hairs swell up and therefore emerge a bit out of the skin.
Now, when the sharp razor blade passes over the gently lathered skin, it cuts the beard hair smoothly. And after having rinsed off the soaps residue, the hair recedes, leaving a incredibly smooth skin.
Alle the ingredients have been chosen because they are very nourishing to the human skin. And are especially caring for irritated skin. Shaving definately irritates the skin.
Most often you can go without any further lotions or creams or lubrication – is all covered by this saving soap.
Disinfecting with aftershave or similar is also passé, because the soap is alkaline and fungi and bacteria avoid alkaline environments (in contrast to acidic environments).
Last but not least: the older the shaving soap is, the longer it lasts.
Leathery – tabacoey
Intensity of scent
Type of skin
Very wide range
Aromatherapeutic effect
Minimum 100 gr
Laminated metal tin
It lasts forever. I have customers who reorder once a year. It seems expensive at first glance – but in the long run it’s very economical.
Note II
There’s also a refill. You save some money and you can keep the tin. clic