Every type of hair reacts differently to a firm bar of soap than to liquid shampoo.
And not every hair soap purely chemically speaking is the same.
There’s hair soaps which aren’t really soaps but chemical compounds made of different kinds of chemical components.
The best advice in terms of “hair soaps” is simply to try them out.
Only then will you find out if you like the feel, the look and the quality of hair you get by using a natural hair soap.
Not everybody get’s the hang on hair soap though.
In order to check out my hair soaps I offer a special testing package: click
Helps the scalp to retain moisture.
AND it makes your hair a bit stiffer and more voluminous.
Therefore I recommend this soap for thin hair which most often tends to cling to the head.
Gorgeous for irritated, sensitive and inflamed skin !
Thanks to the entailed enzymes but just as much for its high sugar content.
Sensitive scalp and dry hair benefit from the high content of hops in this soap recipe.
The hop specks have had time to unfurl their positive characteristics within the soap.
Oily hair: is the result of tallow glands overdoing the sebum production.
Often this is triggered and boosted by frequent hair washing.
By increasing the intervals between hair washings and NOT using a cleaning agent for oily hair helps a lot.
Dandruff: in most cases this is an indicator for dry scalp.
In other words: the scalp needs moisture and oil.
Most dandruff shampoos contain silicone or similar substances. These have been put into the recipe simply to keep the dandruff where it is: on the scalp. BUT the dandruff as such is still there and so is the dryness of the scalp.
In short: the cause for the dandruff is not tackled by dandruff shampoos.
Weaning off dandruff shampoos immediately leads to dandruff again.
If you want to get rid of dandruff on the long run, your scalp needs more moisture and oil.
“Hops & honey” contains 5% oil. And a bit of beeswax, which additionally helps to contain the moisture in the scalp.
The hair soap “nettles” contains 12% oil.
And hair soap “lemongras” 8%.
Type of hair
Honey & forest flowers
Intensity of scent
Aromatherapeutic effect
Promotes concentration
Minimum 95 g
Compostable, untreated paper
Minimum 95 g
9 to 10 (alkaline)
Perhaps your would rather use a liquid version of this hair soap ?
Then my so-called “liquid” version of this soap could be of interest to you: click
Fit for travel ?
Because I don’t use palm oil in my soap it tends to be a wee softer than others.
Therefore I have categorized my soaps from 1 (hard) to 5 (very soft).
Traveling in a soap box they tend to soften anyways as they most often have little time to dry properly.
This soap I classify as 1.